Picture of DynaCool PPMS
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1st Responsible:
2nd Responsible:
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Booking rules:

1) Maximum number of future bookings/user: 1
2) Maximum daytime hours/booking: 14
3) Maximum future daytime hours: 20
4) The tool is blocked on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 to 15. The blocking is released 24 hours in advance. This is done to allow fast and urgent measurements to be done without delays.

Daytime starts at 8, and finishes at 18, working days.
Weekends are considered nighttime.

In case of no-show for 30 minutes, the booking is cancelled. 

These limitations of course do not prohibit long bookings made by several users of the same group, which is not allowed. If such misbehavior is observed, users will be subject to a booking ban for 3 months.  Of course, we are aware that there are situations when long measurements are needed. In these special circumstances, please contact the tool responsibles ahead of time so we can make special bookings and avoid conflicts.

Regarding blocked times, users may prolong the overnight bookings provided that they really do not interfere with urgent measurements. In other words, please talk to each other!!

Tool name:
DynaCool PPMS
Quantum Design
14 T, 300 mK


Licensed Users

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